Category: Technology

Z-Issue software update

Hello everyone, Just to let you know, the Z-Issue will be down for a little bit later on this evening as it undergoes a software update. Also, I’m thinking about re-skinning it to give it a face-lift, but I am still undecided. In any event, and barring any major hiccups, the blog shall return sometime …

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Just a little kernel humour

I don’t know if anyone other than Linux users / developers will appreciate this humour or not, but I thought it was hysterical. Two users on a forum were discussing some of the kernel configuration names. The first user asked a completely legitimate question: What is CONFIG_USB_MON? To which the second user responded: A Jamaican …

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Awesome programmer joke

Okay, I know this is really dorky, and perhaps I am a complete geek for finding it funny. That being said… Q. Why do programmers mix up Halloween and Christmas? A. Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec I know it’s absurd, but that’s part of the Z-Issue! It is, after all, a true affinity of …

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