This past weekend a friend and I went to see Madagascar 3 in the theatre. We both had had a rough week at work, and thought that a funny, completely fluff film might help take off the edge. Having seen the other two Madagascar flicks, I expected that this one would be filled with humour, …
Tag: film
May 08 2011
Spending time with Mom
Mom and I got together today around 10:00, and planned out some fun stuff for celebrating my birthday. Firstly, we went to see the movie Thor at the theatre. It was really entertaining; lots of neat special effects, a couple funny lines, gobs of action sequences, and certainly an interesting interpretation of the myth. What …
Sep 04 2007
You can’t handle the truth!
One would assume that, because of the title of this entry, that I’m going to discuss the amazing movie that is A Few Good Men, but that is not the case. Instead I’m going to ramble on about something I noticed in the movie that made me think about the current state of justice systems …