Tag: ethics

Veteran’s Day is one of uncertainty

Today, 11 November, is an interesting holiday in the United States. It is the day in which we honour those individuals who have served in the armed forces and have defended their country. I say that it is an interesting holiday because I am torn on how I feel about the entire concept. On one …

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Fortune cookie wisdom part V

If you look back at the previous four parts (1, 2, 3, and 4) of my somewhat lame series on the Confucian wisdom of fortune cookies, you may notice that there is generally a good mix of funny ones and serious ones (which fits nicely with the whole “affinity of intelligence and absurdity” motto ;)). …

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Fortune cookie wisdom part IV

It’s that time again, where I’ve accumulated far too many of those little scraps of paper wisdom from fortune cookies. Before reading these little Confucian tidbits, you may want to check out parts I, II, and III (which are all examples that I eat far too much Asian food ;)). Anyway, here are the ones …

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