Today I saw the cover of the 30 May 2016 edition of The New Yorker, which was designed by artist R. Kikuo Johnson, and it really hit home for me. The illustration depicts the graduating class of 2016 walking out of their commencement ceremony whilst a member of the 2015 graduating class is working as …
Tag: academics
Jun 10 2015
The Parker Fund
Hello all, I don’t usually post very personal things here on The Z-Issue, but rather use it for 1) posting information that may be of interest to others (e.g. solving technical problems [especially with regard to the world of Linux Engineering]), 2) mentioning articles that I found helpful, amusing, or otherwise interesting, or 3) just …
Jun 25 2012
Honesty – Pass it On video about classroom cheating
Recently, I saw an advertisement on television regarding honesty. It was presented by the Foundation for a Better Life, and takes place in a classroom. It depicts students taking a test, and one boy–glancing around the room to ensure that the teacher isn’t watching–tries to get some answers from a neighbouring boy. The latter finally …