Today I saw the cover of the 30 May 2016 edition of The New Yorker, which was designed by artist R. Kikuo Johnson, and it really hit home for me. The illustration depicts the graduating class of 2016 walking out of their commencement ceremony whilst a member of the 2015 graduating class is working as …
May 2016 archive
May 19 2016
FLAC encoding of WAV fails with error of unsupported format type 3
Whenever I purchase music from Bandcamp, SoundCloud, or other music sites that offer uncompressed, full-quality downloads (I can’t bring myself to download anything but original or lossless music files), I will always download the original WAV if it is offered. I prefer to keep the original copy around just in case, but usually I will …
May 12 2016
NVIDIA Linux drivers, PowerMizer, Coolbits, Performance Levels and GPU fan settings
Whew, I know that’s a long title for a post, but I wanted to make sure that I mentioned every term so that people having the same problem could readily find the post that explains what solved it for me. For some time now (ever since the 346.x series [340.76, which was the last driver …