Tag: video

Collection of funny cat vids

Sam sent me this email recently that I couldn’t open for some reason or another. Tonight, though, I finally got it to play and I laughed my butt off. This is a collection of video clips with funny cats in them. I absolutely love the second one with the cat drinking the bowl of milk. …

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TV news blooper

Here’s a great video clip of a newscaster making quite the error when preempting a story. Not only that, but at the end of the clip, you get to see the reaction to her statement. I thought this was fairly recent, but in fact, when I saw it, it was referencing past news bloopers; I’m …

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It’s a good thing they have 9 lives

Lately I’ve been perusing the internet trying to find amusing videos of any kind. I have found a couple that I will probably post over the next several days/weeks. These videos may not be “roll-on-the-floor” funny, but I’ve realised that just a little chuckle can make the whole day better. So, I present to you …

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