Tag: software

Another bird in my life

Today I was perusing the interweb looking for a software suite that would meet my needs. With my business really picking up, it is getting difficult for me to remember all the appointments that I have scheduled. Not to mention, I also have to remember when I’ve made plans with friends, other appointments (for the …

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New and improved FLV player

Hello all, I have found and uploaded a much better player for you to use to view your saved copies of any videos taken from the Z-Issue website (or any other saved .flv file, for that matter). This player, named FLV-Player S, was created and deployed by Ivan (123123@gmail.com) in the School of Creative Media …

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Computers and syllogisms

After looking all through the character map for Arial Narrow in Windows, and various other fonts on my Linux boxes, I realised that several fonts are missing an incredibly vital syllogistic symbol! The therefore symbol, which looks like a triangle of three dots ( &there4 ) can’t be found within many popular font maps. To …

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