Tag: kids

Some amusing pictures

I got an email a couple days ago that had some rather amusing images in it. I had seen a few of them, which means that you may have seen them too, but some of them I hadn’t. Some of these are quality. Wow, what a deal! This is wayyyyy cheaper than adoption. So, you …

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UKTV – Boys Alone

Well, I just received my copy of this TV show that aired on UKTV a while ago. The movie is called Boys Alone and it is a psuedo-reality TV documentary where ten 11-year-old boys were put in a house to live for an extended period of time. They weren’t allowed to leave the house or …

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Open Letter

Alrighty, I’m finally done with my rough draft of my open letter. The letter addresses my concerns of the Balanced Literacy program being used in gradeschool. While I think it may be an effective methodology for high school, and even middle school, I don’t think it is efficient at the elementary level. This letter was …

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