Tag: funny

Summa cum laude + Ph. D. = intelligence?

While reading this chapter in my Educational Psychology book, I found yet another example of why Robert Sternberg is not the brightest man in the world. In this section, he spent a good amount of time talking about language development and verbal competency. Then, he comes up with this stunningly obfuscating and self-referencing definition for …

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TV news blooper

Here’s a great video clip of a newscaster making quite the error when preempting a story. Not only that, but at the end of the clip, you get to see the reaction to her statement. I thought this was fairly recent, but in fact, when I saw it, it was referencing past news bloopers; I’m …

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The difference between a dog diary and a cat diary

I got this great email just a little bit ago, and I thought I would share it. If you have a cat or know what it’s like to have a cat, it’s even funnier. 😀 — Excerpts from a Dog’s Diary: 08:00 Dog food! My favourite thing! 09:30 A car ride! My favourite thing! 09:40 …

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