Categorical change and reclassification

One of the interesting aspects about going through all of the former posts on my blog is that it allows me to continuously re-evaluate the applicability and sufficiency of the categories. For instance, I realised that having a category of “Scholarly / Serious” lead to a lot of ambiguity and cross-posting. For that reason, I decided to split the two categories, and reassign posts accordingly. I think that this change will allow for my fine-tuned searching and grouping, both of former posts, and for future ones as well.

As another quick update, I’m about 65% or so through the tagging process. I can’t believe how long it takes to go through previous entries, and tag them. One of the challenges of that task is coming up with tags that are universal enough to allow for multiple posts, yet specific enough to make sense in a hierarchical classification system. Coupled with that challenge is the vague distinction between tagging and categorising. Categories, in my opinion, are very broad and are applied to the post overall, whereas tags are more about smaller components therein and less about the broad meaning.

Anyway, I’m hoping to be finished with these blog updates sometime soon, as they are getting to be a bit tedious and mundane. There are a bunch of other (more interesting) things about which I’d like to write, but it makes sense (in terms of efficiency) to get these tasks out of the way beforehand.


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