Tag: viewpoint

Which flavour to choose?

Well, most of you probably know that I’m a Linux freak, and personally prefer Gentoo over any other flavour (aka distribution or distro for short). Considering there are a huge amount of different tastes and preferences out there, there are, consequently, a huge amount of flavours from which to choose. I recently found these really …

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A thousand…nah, try three

When viewing photo albums, or looking through old photographs with friends and family, it is likely that one will hear the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words.” However, there are some images that show up here and there that don’t need a thousand words to deliver their message. Sometimes, just sometimes, a picture …

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Fortune cookie wisdom

I just finished indulging in a feast of chicken lo mein (sans vegetables) and steamed rice from the local Chinese take-out joint. I reached into the nearly empty brown bag and found precisely what I was looking for: the tasty, crisp, and perpetually enigmatic fortune cookie. After delicately cracking its outer shell in half–causing a …

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