Tag: Linux

Are humans GNU?

Okay, so I was thinking about the human body a little bit, and I was trying to figure out if it more closely resembled a Linux or Windows system. I have come to the conclusion that it falls somewhere in the middle of the two. The body has a certain level of freedom similar to …

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Computers and syllogisms

After looking all through the character map for Arial Narrow in Windows, and various other fonts on my Linux boxes, I realised that several fonts are missing an incredibly vital syllogistic symbol! The therefore symbol, which looks like a triangle of three dots ( &there4 ) can’t be found within many popular font maps. To …

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New installation of Gentoo

After hours of researching and examining new Linux distros, I decided to go with an updated version of Gentoo (2006.1). I’m installing it firstly on my test machine (Green), and then possibly on Blue if I like it. The only thing that I noticed that was somewhat interesting about this particular distro is that it …

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