Tag: humour

Paranoia quote

A guy at work and I were talking about paranoia, and this is what he had to say: “Paranoia is just the logical result of your insight and subconscious sharing a beer. I don’t care what the doctors say, paranoia is a gift and they’re out to take it away.” Quality.

Toronto Day 3: The Village, Thai, and the first show

Today we woke up to see more rain… bummer. Also, it was quite cold, so we couldn’t get to the zoo again. We decided to go downtown to see what the “big city” was like. We started out by going to this cafe that we visited when we were in Toronto about 4 years ago. …

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Toronto Day 1: Flights, weather, and delays, oh my

So today was not all that great. I took off work about an hour early in order to get to my flight to Toronto on time. Made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare, and started making preparations for the trip. As the first-class passengers were starting to board the plane, I …

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