Tag: humour

Mercury blooper or, errrrr, ummm…boner

So, while watching television (Zach says in a Pancho Villa tone of voice), something interesting came to my attention. A commercial for the Mercury Milan came on and there is a very perky (hehe, pun intended) tune in the background. In the song, which is called To the Nth Degree, a girl sings (in a …

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Misplaced modifiers…something to Speak of!

I’m reading Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak right now and I stumbled upon a really interesting misplaced modifier in a sentence. A little over halfway through the book (p. 108 in the softcover Platinum Edition — ISBN: 0142407321), Melinda states that: “It is easier to floss with barbed wire than admit you like someone in middle …

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Slides can be dangerous

Another funny video. Watch the look on the kid’s face in the last segment. Slides -=-Zach-=-