Tag: doughnuts

Losing weight versus doughnut

A few days back, my friend John sent me an email that said “So I see that you had free time to browse and post to Reddit.” I was a little confused by his email, because I haven’t been on Reddit in a very long time. However, after seeing the image that he linked, I …

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Rise Biscuits and Donuts

You might remember that recently it was National Doughnut Day, and that I was pretty excited about it (simply because I love doughnuts). You might also remember that I was longing to be in Saint Louis, MO, USA for it, as they have three incredible doughnut shops. As of this morning, I have now found …

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National Doughnut Day

Today, my friends, is a wonderful holiday (at least in my world). It is National Doughnut Day, which is celebrated on the first Friday in June. I really love doughnuts, but tend to not eat them all that often, as they’re not exactly good for the midsection. However, I decided that I absolutely had to …

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