Just in case there is someone out there that I haven’t told about the graduate school situation, I thought I would finally complete the chart: Grad school chart |:| Zach |:|
Tag: academics
Mar 03 2009
Grad school update number 238984 (approximately)
Just another quick update on the graduate school applications statuses (I really wish the correct plural of “status” was “statii” [just because I like the way it sounds]). Anyway, I was rejected by Memphis. Click the link below for the updated chart: Graduate school chart |:| Zach |:|
Feb 11 2009
Yup, it is time for Yet Another Grad School Update. I just received an email from Auburn, and they cannot offer me an interview. I’m a bit disappointed by that one as well, but two of my top schools offered me interviews so I’m fine with the rejection. Graduate school chart |:| Zach |:|