I’ve been working on several features of my new blog, and things are progressing quite nicely (though there’s still a lot of work to be done). Firstly, I’ve added a custom menu bar at the top of the postings section (right below the image banner). Right now it links to the home page of my blog, a posting about me (which isn’t there yet), links to the charities and groups that I actively support, and some of my current projects and affiliations. As soon as I have some type of short bio blurb about myself, I’ll link it to the “About me” menu. Until then, I urge you to check out some of the amazing groups under the “Charities” submenu.
Secondly, I’ve ported over all of the random quotations that I had on my previous blogging software. They are currently displayed in the section between the category listing and the calendar. I’m sure that I will continue to add quotes as time goes on, and as I find ones that strike me. If you have any recommendations, be sure to drop me a line in the comments section.
Thirdly, with the tagging feature of WP, I really need to go back and add tags to all of my previous posts. That will take quite a while to do, but I think that it will really be worth it. It will force me to further categorise my posts, and will help me find trends in my writings. Overall, a good goal, I think.
I think that’s about it for now, but hopefully I will be able to work on those three things more over the course of the week and this upcoming weekend.