Alright, so the news that I just received almost prompted me to make a new category on my site specifically for violent rants! I just found out that I have classes on Monday, even though it is a federal holiday. That’s just FREAKIN’ wonderful. Now I have to work the entire weekend and instead of having a relaxing Sunday evening, I will have to do all my homework that I thought I could do on Monday. While it is a private University, one would assume that they would still honor federal holidays. Next year, no Christmas, Thanksgiving, Labour Day, or any other “day of rest.” Oh yeah, and classes have now been extended to 7 days per week at 15 hours per day.

Now I have the wonderful choice of miss class and be behind in lectures, or go to class and be behind in homework. I love the nice decisions in life!



I just got sent a bunch of pictures of that old cranky lady… you know the one… the one that always says mean things…no, you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about? Fine, I’ll show you. This was one of them, and I’ll try to post the others sometime in the near future, but I love this one:


People you haven’t seen in a while

I just saw this girl that I haven’t seen since junior high. We went to elementary school together and were both in the STRETCH program. When I went to high school, though, I lost touch with her. It was good to see her (by the way, her name is Sarah). It just made me think that no matter how long it has been, people always seem to remember one another.

My Mom last night found some of her old yearbooks from high school. As she flipped through the pages, she rattled off names like she had never lost touch with any of them.

Okay, so this entry was a little random, but sometimes that’s how life is–random.
