DA button

No, it’s not slang for “the button,” but rather my new DeviantART button. It is located in the right sidebar along with all the other buttons. Clicking it will take you directly to my page on DeviantART. I know the button doesn’t really look all that great, but for right now it will be just fine. When I find some extra time sitting around (maybe it’s behind those stuffed animals on my shelf), I will make a nicer looking button. Better yet, I might redo the entire button schema.

|:| Zach |:|


I have really gotten back into the swing of posting and being a part of the DeviantART community. I have put up copies of the two photographs presented here on the Z-Issue under the “photography” category. So far, it does seem like there are a few people interested in my work, and my piece entitled “Purple” has already received one favourite! Anyway, I am in the process of making a button for the sidebar that will link directly to my DeviantART page, but for now, you can simply use the following link:


One of the nice things is that it will also get more people to read the Z-Issue, and the more, the merrier. Also, people can order prints of my work, and a portion of the money will be given to me. While it isn’t a lot of money per print, it would simply be neat to know that there is someone, somewhere, with a piece of my work hanging on their wall. You too can have a DeviantART account by going to the main DA page:


And signing up. Registration is free, but you can also get rid of the ad banners and have access to a whole lot more neat features for a small fee. Now, stop reading this post and go peruse the millions of pieces of artwork over at DA!

DeviantART mascot

Awesome programmer joke

Okay, I know this is really dorky, and perhaps I am a complete geek for finding it funny. That being said…

Q. Why do programmers mix up Halloween and Christmas?
A. Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec

I know it’s absurd, but that’s part of the Z-Issue! It is, after all, a true affinity of intelligence and absurdity. 🙂

|:| Zach |:|

P.S. If you don’t get it, go here and type in 31 in the Octal ( Base 8 ) field, and hit the “OCT to DEC” button.