After talking with Ben (yngwin), I found that there really wasn’t anyone working on documentation related to LXDE inside of Gentoo. So, I decided that I would write a HOWTO for getting it installed and configured. I finished the document this morning, and uploaded it to my Developer webspace. You may see a working copy of the document there, and if you want to see the xml, you have two options. Firstly, when looking at the finished copy, you append the following to the end of the URL:
making the full URL:
and that will show you the XML. Secondly, you can view Bug 281345, and click on the attachment. Hopefully the documentation team will pick up the guide in the near future, and commit it. The only holdup that I can foresee is that LXDE is still available only through the testing (~arch) branch.
|:| Zach |:|