Tag: about me

2015 Superheroes Race for the National Children’s Advocacy Center (NCAC) in Huntsville, AL

The weekend of Saturday, April 11, my best friend and I made the drive down to Huntsville, Alabama to participate in the 2015 Superheroes Race benefiting the outstanding organisation that is The National Children’s Advocacy Center. It was a bit of a drive, but almost completely motorway, so it wasn’t that bad. Before talking about …

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A little positivity goes a long way

Today was an interesting one that I probably won’t forget for a while. Sure, I will likely forget all the details, but the point of the day will remain in my head for a long time to come. Why? Simply put, it made me think about the power of positivity (which is not generally a …

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2014 St. Louis Children’s Hospital Make Tracks for the Zoo 5K race

Again this year, I’m a bit late with posting the results and information about the 2014 St. Louis Children’s Hospital Make Tracks for the Zoo 5K, but alas, at least it’s coming now. The race was much like last year’s in that it was the same course, start time, et cetera. This year, though, it …

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