For the past day or so, I have been working on a clean Gentoo installation on my Samsung NC10 netbook. Things were going along quite nicely with the rebuild using the testing (~arch) branch, including the initial installation of X. However, when I issued the lovely startx command, I was continuously getting: (EE) intel(0): No …
Tag: software
Feb 20 2010
Quick note to users installing ~arch KDE4
Hello all, As some of you may know, I prefer Openbox to the larger desktop environments. However, I went to install KDE4 today on someone else’s computer, and ran into a problem with circular dependencies involving CUPS, GTK+, poppler, and cmake. The simple solution to the problem is to: USE=”-cups” emerge -av kdebase-meta and then …
Feb 14 2010
Quick Openbox HOWTO update
Just a quick update to let everyone know that I made some changes to the Openbox HOWTO in the documentation repository, and that Josh was blazing fast at getting it committed; thank you Josh! I addressed submenu delay that came with >x11-wm/openbox-, and how to fix it in the rc.xml configuration file, updated the external …