Tag: my life


Tonight, I went and saw my first movie on an IMAX screen. It was quite the experience! Not only is the screen large and the picture quality really impressive, but the sound is also larger than life. I saw the movie, Night at the Museum, with Ben Stiller. It was a mediocre movie, but definitely …

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Fuel economy

After having the new engine in my car for about a month or so, I finally got an accurate measurement of my fuel economy. After having driven 550 km, I put approximately 47 litres of petro in my tank. That means that I’m getting approximately: 11.7 km/l which, for you “US standard of weights and …

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Welcome to 2007

Here we are in the new year already! Thinking back on 2006, I would say it was a fairly good year. It definitely had its down times, but coupled with those were many fun and exciting things. I’m anxious to see what this new year will bring. Hopefully, it will be filled with quality times …

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