Tag: Gentoo Linux

Mozilla Messaging and Sunbird

Recently, the Mozilla foundation released a news brief stating that there will be a new “wholly owned subsidiary” (per the news brief) known as Mozilla Messaging. This new branch of the Mozilla project will be working on the new features and overhaul of Thunderbird, which will eventually become Thunderbird 3. One of the key focal …

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Just a little kernel humour

I don’t know if anyone other than Linux users / developers will appreciate this humour or not, but I thought it was hysterical. Two users on a forum were discussing some of the kernel configuration names. The first user asked a completely legitimate question: What is CONFIG_USB_MON? To which the second user responded: A Jamaican …

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Which flavour to choose?

Well, most of you probably know that I’m a Linux freak, and personally prefer Gentoo over any other flavour (aka distribution or distro for short). Considering there are a huge amount of different tastes and preferences out there, there are, consequently, a huge amount of flavours from which to choose. I recently found these really …

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