
I finally figured it out: how to read out of a textbook without falling asleep. This may not work for everyone, but for me, it really helps to read the text outloud to myself. Reading a textbook isn’t like reading a novel; it can be quite dull or boring, even if the content is somewhat interesting. Try it. Read a textbook chapter for homework and read it outloud to yourself.

It helped me just get through 70 pages of my history book in one sitting. Usually that type of reading would take me at least 7 sittings all interrupted with 10-15 minute breaks. At that rate, it would have taken me HOURS to get through all of it. Instead of taking about 7-8 hours (including all the breaks), it only took about 1.5 hours!

Because of this new reading technique, I have thoroughly increased my efficiency and comprehension. Increasing efficiency AND comprehension greatly decreases the time necessary for review before a test. The more the brain can comprehend with the first read-through, the less that material has to be reviewed.

The Cave

I just got back from seeing the movie “The Cave.” It was your typical scary movie. It was a little better than most of that genre that I’ve seen lately. However, not much to rave about. If you go to see a movie to get your heart racing, this one does have a few scenes that will induce blood flow.

This movie will creep you out if:

1. You’re afraid of the water or drowning.
2. You’re claustrophobic or fear being crushed in tight spaces.
3. You’re afraid of demons or religious evils embodied in creatures.

However, on the star rating, I must say:

3 / 10

School is done for the next few days…


The good news is that I don’t have to go back to school until next Wednesday. I’m pretty excited about that. The bad news is that I have a bunch of homework that I don’t want to do. Apparently the nephews are coming over tomorrow for a bit. I’m not going to get to see them much, because they’re not coming over until around 14:00, and I have plans at around noontime. I’m sure that they’ll be back soon though.

I can’t wait until Sunday when I put on my Project Mu brakes, Rotora rotors, Rotora calipers. They should give me that needed braking power. Also, they look neat considering they’re bright blue. I’ll post pictures when I’m done with it. I’ll be ready for NoPi this coming year!

Alright, I do believe that is it for now.
