And on the third day…

Zach blogged again! I have been busy with all sorts of things lately and haven’t had a chance to write to you, world. Now that things have settled a bit, maybe I should recap the events of the past few days.

Friday, I did homework so that I wouldn’t have to do a whole bunch of it over the break. I still have a good amount to do, but I probably won’t get to that until later this week.

Saturday, I spent the day running around town getting things for my car (like cluster pinouts) and looking for new camera equipment. I found the perfect set of tripod legs and a grip-head. I also found the shutter release cable that I need. I was surprised that all three pieces only cost $320 before tax! That’s way cheaper than I would have expected.

Sunday, I went over to Uncle Steve’s house to setup his DSL. However, I found out that I couldn’t because his computer is fried. It was too old to bother upgrading and repairing, so I’m building him a new one instead. When I got back in my car (the red one, not the Civic) it decided that the tranny didn’t want to work anymore. Alas, nothing but reverse. So, I had to get a ride home from Uncle Steve, which I’m sure he loved.

And lastly, today I had to take my Mom to work bright and early (well, dark and early actually). Then I picked her up at 14:00. For the past several hours, I’ve been running errands. I got a lot of stuff done, but it wasn’t the nicest of weather outside to be running around.

Hopefully I won’t miss three days in a row again for a long time.
Take care for now.

|:| Zach |:|

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