Today, I am retiring one of my previous servers, Aristotle. It has been a good machine, but I no longer need it because it has been replaced by a newer machine in a different datacentre. It had a good run of a couple years, with a nice uptime: bsbc-aristotle aristotleadmin # w 18:22:34 up 475 …
Thursday, 22 March 2012 archive
Mar 22 2012
Tony Pugliese and Alex Mancuso on North Carolina’s proposed gay marriage ban
Today on the North Carolina news station WRAL-5, my cousin Anthony Pugliese and his partner, Alex Mancuso, were interviewed regarding the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage across the state. The amendment is set to be on the ballot on 08 May 2012, and currently, it seems like there are many more individuals who favour …