Tag: Linux

Linux – RHEL 6 / CentOS 6 two NICs in the same subnet, but secondary doesn’t ping

Recently I ran into a problem with RHEL 6 (and any derivatives, like CentOS 6 or Scientific Linux 6) where having two NICs (network interfaces) in the same subnet resulted in strange behaviour. In RHEL ≤5 (or CentOS ≤5), one could have two interfaces with IPs in the same subnet and there weren’t any problems …

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Slock 1.1 background colour

If you use the slock application, like I do, you may have noticed a subtle change with the latest release (which is version 1.1). That change is that the background colour is now teal-like when you start typing your password in order to disable slock, and get back to using your system. This change came …

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Keybindings and Openbox menu shortcuts for slock

After reviewing several solutions to a security problem regarding screen lockers, I’ve found that the easiest workaround for switching virtual terminals and killing the screen locker application is to start one’s X session with the following command: exec startx That way, even if someone switches to the virtual terminal that was used to start X …

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