A guy at work and I were talking about paranoia, and this is what he had to say: “Paranoia is just the logical result of your insight and subconscious sharing a beer. I don’t care what the doctors say, paranoia is a gift and they’re out to take it away.” Quality.
Tag: funny
Jan 21 2010
Punctuation is important
I have always enjoyed Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynn Truss because it comically explains the importance of punctuation on intended meaning. I was looking around the internet today to see if I could get myself in a better mood when I stumbled upon this great image: WHAT is in that Blizzard? Seems like a …
Aug 30 2009
Arch Linux server maintenance page
You may look at the title and wonder why I didn’t post this topic under “Computers” or even the “Linux” subtopic. My reasoning is that this isn’t really any type of discussion relating to computers, but rather just an image that I found to be priceless. Instead of just making their “server down for maintenance” …