Category: Linux

LXDE configuration HOWTO draft completed

After talking with Ben (yngwin), I found that there really wasn’t anyone working on documentation related to LXDE inside of Gentoo. So, I decided that I would write a HOWTO for getting it installed and configured. I finished the document this morning, and uploaded it to my Developer webspace. You may see a working copy …

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Updates made to the Openbox HOWTO

I have made several changes to the Openbox HOWTO. There were many typographical errors that I didn’t catch the first time around, and package links that weren’t added. Here’s a full list of the updates for version 1.4: In code listing 2.5, changed the $ to # as the operation requires root actions.Added a note …

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LXappearance and icon themes

After having recently reinstalled Gentoo on my main production machine, I thought I would look into some theming to make things more aesthetically pleasing. I installed a bunch of GTK themes that I ended up not liking, so I got rid of them. I use Openbox with a bunch of LXDE applications installed to ease …

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