Category: Funny / Weird

Just a little kernel humour

I don’t know if anyone other than Linux users / developers will appreciate this humour or not, but I thought it was hysterical. Two users on a forum were discussing some of the kernel configuration names. The first user asked a completely legitimate question: What is CONFIG_USB_MON? To which the second user responded: A Jamaican …

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Your time is up

In another very funny email that I received recently, there was a brief story about a woman who passed away. She said that she always wanted something special put on her headstone, and her nephew honoured that wish. The image below proves to me that my idea for what I want done at my funeral …

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You don’t say…

Recently, I received an email quoting several lines from a wonderful book by Charles M. Sevilla entitled Disorder in the Court: Great Fractured Moments in Courtroom History. Basically the book takes a light and somewhat whimsical approach to law and the United States Justice System by jeering at statements by witnesses, lawyers, judges, and other …

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