Category: Linux

Amavisd – debugging and logging startup failures

Recently, I wrote an article about amavisd not running with Postfix, and getting a “Connection refused to” error message that wasn’t easy to diagnose. Yesterday, I ran into another problem with amavisd refusing to start properly, and I wasn’t readily able to figure out why. By default, amavisd logs to your mail log, which …

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RHEL/CentOS Kickstart partition scheme with disk by-path IDs and automation via PXE

So, for several weeks now, I’ve been struggling with disk naming and UDEV as they relate to RHEL or CentOS Kickstart automation via PXE. Basically, what used to be a relatively straight-forward process of setting up partitions based on disk name (e.g. /dev/sda for the primary disk, /dev/sdb for the secondary disk, and so on) …

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Amavisd isn’t running with Postfix – connection refused to

Late last night, I decided to apply some needed updates to my personal mail server, which is running Gentoo Linux (OpenRC) with a mail stack of Postfix & Dovecot with AMaViS (filtering based on SpamAssassin, ClamAV, and Vipul’s Razor). After applying the updates, and restarting the necessary components of the mail stack, I ran my …

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