Category: Linux

Thunderbird 3.0 in the tree

Four days ago, Mozilla Messaging made an announcement about the release of Thunderbird 3.0. This release has been a very long time in the making, and brings with it a very impressive list of features. Thanks to the work of Jory A. Pratt (anarchy), we Gentoo users have a quality ebuild for mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-3.0 in the …

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Combining PDF files

I frequently need to combine several PDF files into one large PDF so I don’t have to send a mess of small files via email. Though I have accomplished this task before without much of a problem by issuing the following command to Ghostscript, I decided that my usual method is inefficient: gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite …

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New LXDE configuration HOWTO

Just a quick note that the Lightweight X Desktop Environment (LXDE) tutorial is available in the main Gentoo documentation repositories, as all the core components have been stabilised. If you are interested in finding out more about LXDE, or installing it on your Gentoo system, please feel free to follow the guide: The LXDE Configuration …

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