Category: Linux

Apache access logs, error logs, and Cronolog

Apache has two main logs at the vhost level, and those are the access_log and error_log. These two logs keep track of just what you might think–visitor information for each vhost, and any errors encountered, respectively. Though Apache has a lot of built-in customisation abilities regarding these logs (including the format of each, the log …

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Stalled scp transfers due to OpenSSH regression

Recently, I started having troubles with transferring files to my servers via scp. Typically, I would just issue the scp command without any options at all (regarding rate limiting, et cetera). However, I started having a problem where it would only transfer small files–ones that were

YUM sorcery

As a Linux Engineer, every now and again I stumble upon a nugget of glory when looking through the BASH history on one of the machines in the datacentre. Today was one such day. Two of the “Linux Developers” (and I use the term quite loosely) came into the lab and wondered over to my …

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