After a long time of figuring, and asking a million questions to a million different people, I have concluded that my check engine light (CEL) on my car is caused by an improper primary O2 sensor. The only reason I can think of that it would be ‘improper’ is that it is an aftermarket sensor and it’s connected to my AFR gauge. Therefore, if I unhook my gauge, get a new PO2, and wire it into the K-Pro ECU, I shouldn’t have a CEL anymore. Also, that will allow the K-Pro to log my AFR, and subsequently, make adjustments dynamically to match the target lambda.
Hopefully I will get that new primary O2 sensor sometime next week. I will keep you posted.
|:| Zach |:|
Fabulous! I wonder what kind of helpful information the employee’s will give you this time…
Yup, probably so.
So that means another trip to the emissons place?