May 2011 archive

Spending time with Mom

Mom and I got together today around 10:00, and planned out some fun stuff for celebrating my birthday. Firstly, we went to see the movie Thor at the theatre. It was really entertaining; lots of neat special effects, a couple funny lines, gobs of action sequences, and certainly an interesting interpretation of the myth. What …

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Tis that day once again

The day that comes once a year, every year without fail… my birthday. Anyway, I’m planning on going out for dinner, and possibly watching a movie or something else. Nothing too exciting, as I’m getting too old (26) to have a bunch of excitement. :-p

xorg-1.10.1, nvidia-drivers-270.41.03, and the terminal emulator

Ever since the last system update (which included xorg-1.10.1 and nvidia-drivers-270.41.03), I have had an annoying problem regarding desktop drawing. Any time that I open LXterminal, a black box the same size as the default terminal window appears in the upper-left corner of my primary display. Interestingly, it only seems to happen when I open …

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