This past weekend a friend and I went to see Madagascar 3 in the theatre. We both had had a rough week at work, and thought that a funny, completely fluff film might help take off the edge. Having seen the other two Madagascar flicks, I expected that this one would be filled with humour, edgy jokes that would be above the kids’ heads, and have some wit to boot. My expectations were, indeed, fulfilled throughout the course of the show.

This latest piece in the Madagascar puzzle follows Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman as they try to get back to their home in the New York City zoo. This time, though, they end up in Europe (in search of the infamous penguins). After causing quite a hubbub in a casino in Monte Carlo, Captain Chantel DuBois–the Chief of Animal Control–is out to capture the gang… especially Alex. Whilst trying to outrun the police, the group runs into a travelling circus that could use a little assistance out of their rut. It just so happens that this circus is headed for London, and then New York City!
There were times during the film that I felt like I was trying to play catch-up; it was incredibly fast-paced, and seemed a little bit scattered. However, that type of sitcom-esque scene jumping might have been intentional in order to keep the attention of the intended audience–namely, children. Other than the slightly attention-deficit-inducing scene shifts, my only other qualm with the film was the unnerving sea lion named Stefano. While he had some quality lines that made me chuckle, his accent was obnoxious and continuously made me think about Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. We certainly don’t need any reminders of that awful character.
I don’t want to give away any of the outstanding one-liners or the crux of the storyline, so I’ll leave you to see Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted for yourself. Coupling some AMAZING computer animation (especially during the circus performance scenes, which reminded me of Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 64), great humour, and even a touch of romance between King Julien and a tutu-clad, mute, giant bear make Madagascar 3 an outstanding addition to the series.

7 / 10 for being just plain fun!
